Proud of her big girl panties!!!!!!!!!
I put it off as long as I could. I thought she would be the easiest one of three but I was wrong. We're on the go so much that staying home and potty training is SO hard! Finally she's getting it. Still has her occasional accidents but Rebecca is now a potty animal. I got the "Dr. Phil" doll and accessories still new in a box at the big consignment sale for $5. She loved it!
Rebecca, you're the cutest potty animal I've ever seen!! So proud of you. Meri Alan will be too, I'll have to show her this! :)
we are soooo proud of you, big girl. love you heaps, abbi and pops
Yay Rebecca! :) I love the baby doll sitting beside her. That is too cute! Mrs. Carley, I have two Kindergarteners in my class this year who are wearing pull-ups. Wanna potty train them, too, for me?? :)
aw man - i need to try the baby w/ it's own potty!! ellison potty trained herself before avery was we are having some major regression issues & she won't poop on the potty anymore!!! -aaacckkk!!-
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